Elements of Logic

Second Semester 1997-98

Dr. Joe Lau

Tutorials are compulsory and if you have not signed up please do so.

Would students who have not registered with the department please go and see Mrs. Lau or Loletta at the philosophy department office, third floor, main building.

The second problem set from lecture 4 should be handed in to your tutor on or before 3rd February 1998.

The course text for the second half is Colin Allen and Michael Hand's Logic Primer from MIT Press. I have ordered copies for the university bookshop.

The authors also have a web site for the book at http://logic.tamu.edu/

You can read the first three chapters on-line at http://logic.tamu.edu/Primer/

You are strongly encouraged to try out their on-line exercises and proof-checker. I said earlier that you might be required to try their exercises. However, since some students might not have time to learn how to use the web, I shall use the exercises from the book instead, and maybe some other ones.