Joe Lau's wiki: Courses/2006b COG N3002report

Instructions for writing the final report

  1. Format: Msword or PDF. Email to me and no need to print.
  2. Line space = 1 or 1.5. Font size = 10 or 11.
  3. Number of pages: more than 7 and fewer than 25. This is assuming that about 30% of the pages will be graphics. You can put additional information into an appendix if you want, and those pages will not be counted.
  4. If you work in a group, your report is expected to be more detailed and of a higher quality.
  5. Late submission will be penalized.
  6. Content: What is typical of a scientific paper - abstract, description of the project setup, details of the simulation, results, discussion, further work, etc.
  7. Check spelling and grammar!
  8. Include a list of your team members, if any, with their relative percentage contribution.

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Page last modified on May 08, 2007, at 04:06 PM