Joe Lau's wiki: Courses/2006b PHIL 3810

Senior Seminar (3810/6810)

2nd semester, 2006-07 Monday 2-4pm seminar room
Teachers - Dr. Lau, Dr. Ci, Dr. Hawley
Course coordinator - Dr. Lau

This is an advanced seminar for undergraduate students and first-year postgraduate students. We shall be reading a list of classic and recent philosophical papers. The aim of the course is to provide an in-depth introduction to philosophical methodology and analytical skills. Students should do the assigned reading before coming to class.

Provisional schedule

There will be 8 meetings in total.

Part 1 (Dr. Lau)

Part 2 (Dr. Ci)

G. A. Cohen If You're an Egalitarian, How Come You're So Rich? Harvard University Press. isbn:0674006933 You can borrow the book from either the Main Library or from Loletta.

Part 2 (Dr. Hawley)

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Page last modified on April 03, 2007, at 01:48 AM