Joe Lau's wiki: Courses/2009a PHIL 2230

PHIL2230 Philosophy and Cognitive Science


General information

Course schedule

The notes from #10 onwards are not finalized yet.

  1. Introduction - what has philosophy got to do with it?
  2. The Turing test - what is intelligence?
  3. Connectionism I - neural networks in the brain
  4. Connectionism II - an alternative to the language of thought theory?
  5. Consciousness and cognitive access I
  6. Consciousness and cognitive access II - change blindness and consciousness
  7. [14 Oct] Reading week - no lecture
  8. Consciousness and the will - do we have freewill?
  9. Moral intuitions and moral reasoning - recent discussion about the trolley problem
  10. Cognitive enhancements - what are the limits?
  11. Religious experience - are they real or just illusions of the mind? (last lecture)


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Page last modified on November 11, 2009, at 08:20 AM