Joe Lau's wiki: Main/Consciousness Different Concepts

Different concepts of consciousness


Linguistic usage

@"What is meant by consciousness we need not discuss; it is beyond all doubt." - Freud (1915). Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis.@

Different notions of consciousness

Steven Pinker

@Consciousness is a word that refers to a number of different concepts. There's Freud's distinction between the conscious and unconscious mind, which I relate, following a number of other cognitive scientists, to the fact that no computational system can make all its information available to all of its processes. Thus there is a division in the human brain between the kind of information that we can verbally report on and that can affect our day-to-day decision making, and the kind that goes on "beneath the level of consciousness," such as the control of individual muscles in arms and legs or the rules of syntax that govern how we put sentences together. That's, I think, a tractable definition of consciousness, and it can be readily explained by the fact that the particular sequence of muscle movements is not relevant to my global course of planned action, and so therefore should be sealed off and not allowed to interfere with that planning process.

There are other definitions of consciousness, such as the philosophical concept of "qualia," or pure subjective experience: why red looks red to me, or whether my red is the same as your red. I don't have an evolutionary, or neural, or any kind of explanation as to the origin of that sense of consciousness. -

Access consciousness

Phenomenal consciousness

Monitoring consciousness


The explanatory gap

What is the relationship between A and P consciousness

Is A-consciousness the basis of P-consciousness? If so, maybe they should be empirically correlated. A occurs if and only if P occurs.

Do these cases show that A and P are not correlated?

@Liss (1967) presented subjects with 4 letters in two circumstances, long, e.g. 40 millisecond (1ms = 1/1000s) followed by a "mask" known to make stimuli hard to identify or short, e.g. 9 msec, without a mask. Subjects could identify 3 of the 4 letters on average in the short case but said they were weak and fuzzy. In the long case, they could identify only one letter, but said they could see them all and that the letters were sharper, brighter and higher in contrast. This experiment suggests a double dissociation: the short stimuli were phenomenally poor but perceptually and conceptually OK, whereas the long stimuli were phenomenally sharp but perceptually or conceptually poor, as reflected in the low reportability.@

@In 1960 a study had found that more than 1% of patients experienced some kind of awareness whilst under general anaesthetic, ranging from full-blown consciousness to recollection of fragments of surgical events. The Guardian reports a case of a woman called Carol Weihrer who woke up during the operation to remove her eyeball.@

@A sleep disorder where the sufferer engages in activities that are normally associated with wakefulness while asleep or in a sleeplike state. Activities such as eating, dressing or even driving cars have also been recorded as taking place while the subjects are technically asleep. Most cases of sleepwalking, however, usually consist of walking, without the conscious knowledge of the subject. Sleepwalkers engage in their activities with their eyes open so they can navigate their surroundings, not with their eyes closed and their arms outstretched as parodied in cartoons and Hollywood productions. The victims' eyes may have a glazed or empty appearance and if questioned, the subject will be slow to answer or unresponsive. Extracted from wikipedia:Sleepwalking@


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Page last modified on September 30, 2009, at 08:27 AM