Main.Freewill History

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Changed lines 7-8 from:
* [Required] Conee and Sider (2005) Riddles of Existence: A Guided Tour of Metaphysics. Oxford University Press. Chapter 6.
* [Required] Conee and Sider (2005) Riddles of Existence: A Guided Tour of Metaphysics. Oxford University Press. Chapter 6. ebook: hkulib:b3967363
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* [Required] Conee and Sider (2005) Riddles of Existence: A Guided Tour of Metaphysics. Oxford University Press. Chapter 6.

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# It has to be shown that indeterminism makes a difference to the operations at the mental level.
# It has to be shown that low-level indeterminism makes a difference at the level of mental processes.
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* Not clear how there can be freewill if our actions are not due to us but some random events.
# It has to be shown that indeterminism makes a difference to the operations at the mental level.
Not clear how there can be freewill if our actions are not due to us but some random events.
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August 26, 2008, at 02:13 PM by -
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August 26, 2008, at 02:10 PM by -
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** If it is a random matter whether X decides to do Y, then the decision is not up to X.
** If it is a random matter whether X decides to do Y, then the decision is not up to X.
** For the physicalist, nothing explains why X decides to do Y rather than something else
August 26, 2008, at 02:09 PM by -
Changed lines 19-23 from:
* Is indeterminism sufficient for freewill?
** Not clear how there can be freewill if our actions are not due to us but some random events.
*** "X decides
to do Y freely" requires: the decision to do Y is ''up to X''.
*** If it is a random matter whether X decides to do Y, then the decision is not up to X.
* Libertarianism
** Freewill exists.
** Freewill is incompatible with determinism.
** (Therefore) determinism is false.

!!Does indeterminism help?
* Not clear how there can be freewill if our actions are not due
to us but some random events.
** "X decides
to do Y freely" requires: the decision to do Y is ''up to X''.
** If it is a random matter whether X decides to do Y, then the decision is not up to X.
** Not a problem for the substance dualist
August 16, 2008, at 11:41 PM by -
Changed lines 22-24 from:
*** If it is a random matter whether X decides to do Y, then the decision is not up to X.
*** If it is a random matter whether X decides to do Y, then the decision is not up to X.

August 16, 2008, at 11:41 PM by -
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!!The importance of freewill

* Feeling and conception of human agency
* Values and virtues
* Moral responsibility

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*** If it is a random matter whether X decides to do Y, then the decision is not up to X.
!!Crick on freewill
*** If it is a random matter whether X decides to do Y, then the decision is not up to X.
August 16, 2008, at 11:39 PM by -
Added lines 1-16:

!!Basic philosophical positions

* [[stanford:determinism-causal/#5|Determinism]] - "Every event is necessitated by antecedent events and conditions together with the laws of nature."
** Why determinism? Newtonian physics, theology
* Indeterminism - Determinism is false.
** Why indeterminism? Quantum physics.
* Compatibilism - Freewill is compatible with determinism.
** Example: X decided to do Y freely = (1) X decided to do Y, and (2) X could have decided otherwise if X wanted to.
*** Big bang 1 → X wants to do Y → X decides to do Y.
*** Big bang 2 → X does not want to do Y → X decides not to do Y.
* Is indeterminism sufficient for freewill?
** Not clear how there can be freewill if our actions are not due to us but some random events.
*** "X decides to do Y freely" requires: the decision to do Y is ''up to X''.
*** If it is a random matter whether X decides to do Y, then the decision is not up to X.
!!Crick on freewill