Joe Lau's wiki: Main/LOT And Natural Language

Medium of thought


Different theories about the medium of thought

Thoughts = certain types of mental representations. But what are they like?

  1. We think in pictorial representations (images, maps).
  2. We think in a natural language.
  3. We think in a language of thought that is not a natural language.
  4. We think in some other medium that is neither pictorial nor language-like.

Do we think in natural languages?

Is the language of thought (LOT) a natural language?

Position #1 : LOT is a natural language

Position #2 : LOT is not a natural language?

@I see a picture; it represents an old man walking up a steep path leaning on a stick. - How? Might it not have looked just the same had he been sliding downhill in the position?@

Position #2 is more plausible. But we also want a theory that can explain the introspective evidence.

Jackendoff's intermediate level theory of awareness

PF and LF

From Jackendoff (2003)

From Jackendoff (1996)

seem to be part of the phenomenology of thinking.

An objection

  1. There is a difference in subjective feeling between having a thought with content, and simply reciting in our minds a nonsensical sentence that we do not understand.
  2. The difference in feeling shows that we are conscious of the content of a thought.


Two alternative theories


  1. We think in LF. (Peter Ludlow)
  2. We have a conceptual representation system (LOT) which is distinct from LF (although it might have similar syntactic properties). (Jackendoff, Steven Pinker)

Objections to Ludlow

@Lexical entry for a word = A database in the mind containing grammatical and semantic information about the word. e.g. cat : [countable noun] [a small mammal with four legs that purrs, usually with a tail and soft fur.] @

  • Presumably Ludlow would have to say that we think in interpreted LFs - logical forms supplemented by lexical entries and contextually supplied information.

@Yes... ah... Monday... er... Dad and Peter H... (his own name), and Dad.... er... hospital... and ah... Wednesday... Wednesday, nine o'clock... and oh... Thursday... ten o'clock, ah doctors... two... an' doctors... and er... teeth... yah source@


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Page last modified on September 04, 2008, at 03:25 PM