Joe Lau's wiki: Main/Liar Statements

Liar - Sentences and statements


Distinguishing between between sentences and statements / propositions.

Philosophy improves the analytical abilities of students.

Modified versions of the Liar sentences

@(L4) Sentence L4 expresses a false statement.@ The corresponding version of the strengthened liar: @(L5) Sentence L5 does not express a true statement.@

Why is this supposed to help?

@(L6) Sentence L5 does not express a true statement.@

Three objections - L5 does express a statement

  1. Why is it that one token expresses a statement whereas the other one does not? Normal explanations of expressive failures do not seem to apply here, e.g. referential failure.
  2. A subject-predicate sentence Fa expresses a statement if a ("L5") succeeds in denoting an object and F ("does not express a true statement") expresses a property. This applies to L5.
  3. Samesaying principle - if A says the same thing as B, and A is true (false), then B is also true (false). Rejecting the samesaying principle makes it unclear how truth is to be explained. (The truth of a statement depends on what is said and the facts.)

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Page last modified on September 13, 2006, at 03:52 PM