Philosophy of Religion

Second-paper topics: 5-6 pages

Paper due by May. 12

  1. What would be an existential religion? Must an existentialist religiosity always be mystical or may it have prophetic and ritual elements?
  2. Can we combine religiosity (spiritualism) and a modern scientific consciousness? Discuss some Western and Chinese thought systems in this connection.
  3. One of the most widely read "missionaries" of Zen to the Western world is a Christian (Catholic) priest. Can one be a Christian and an adherent of Zen Buddhism? Explain.
  4. Suppose a Hong Kong Christian who has not taken this class asks you to explain Zen to him. In your account, explain the theoretical similarities and differences of Zen with Christianity and with Daoism.
  5. Explain the different answers that can be given to the question "why be religious?"
  6. At the beginning the semester, we asked you "Are you a spiritual (religious) person?" Explain how and why your answer has changed (if it has) from the beginning of this course to the end.
  7. Write a dialogue between Nietzsche and Zhuangzi discussing religious values and "why be religious:.
  8. In the early 20th century, China knocked down Confucianism with Maoism, and then at the end of the century, Maoism self-destructed. What religion/ideology/philosophy should China turn to as its own for the 21st Century?

Philosophy of Religion

Professor Hansen's 2nd Paper Topics
