Course Assessment

10% Writing exercise on skepticism
500-750 words, 2-3 pages
You will write a brief, focused and clear paper on a suggested topic.
The goal is to sharpen your analytical writing skills.
Due: 3 October by 4:30 pm

15% Writing exercise on truth
500-750 words, 2-3 pages
Due: 31 October by 4:30 pm

65% Final essay
Topics will be suggested. Or you may choose your own.
1500-2500 words, 6-10 pages
Regular due date: 8 December
Extended due date: 2 January
Submit your paper by 8 December if you wish to receive comments on your work.
Papers submitted after the regular due date but on or before 2 January will be accepted
without penalty, but may not receive comments due to time constraints.
You are strongly encouraged to submit your paper by the regular due date.

10% Class involvement
You are expected to do the readings and attend lecture.
You are encouraged to raise questions and make comments in class.

Paper Submission
Please submit your assignments both on paper to Ms Loletta Li in MB302,
and electronically to The class id is 1615522.
The password will be announced in class.

Late Policy
Late papers will be penalized. Your grade will be reduced by 10% for each day late.

Academic Honesty

Plagiarism and other forms of academic honesty will not be tolerated,
and will be severely punished. Please see this website to be sure you
understand what plagiarism is: