[V09] Exercises

Module: Venn diagrams

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To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.

- Albert Einstein

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This page generates a random list of 10 syllogisms. See if you can determine whether they are valid or not.

Every C is an A.
No B is an A.
Therefore, every C is a B.

Every A is a C.
No A is a B.
Therefore, every B is a C.

Every B is an A.
Every A is a C.
Therefore, every A is a B.

No C is an A.
Every B is a C.
Therefore, no B is an A.

No B is an A.
No C is an A.
Therefore, no C is a B.

No A is a B.
No C is an A.
Therefore, no C is a B.

Every A is a B.
Every C is an A.
Therefore, every B is an A.

No C is an A.
Every B is an A.
Therefore, no B is a C.

No B is a C.
Every C is an A.
Therefore, no B is an A.

Every A is a B.
Every B is a C.
Therefore, every A is a C.

Want more? You can reload this page to generate another list.

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